Hiring a lawyer means spending money. Spending money on something that does not help your bottom line or profitability. For the most part it is a cost of doing business and one, which no one wishes to spend. Some liken lawyer costs to extortion fees to protect your company against other professional parasites. Lawyers have been called sharks, parasites, mafia and even Terrorists. Nevertheless, when you need one of these _ _ _ _ you have no choice. Here are some tips to consider when hiring a business lawyer.
1.) Make sure your business lawyer is politically connected in your area.
2.) Make sure your business lawyer knows your industry specifically.
3.) Make sure your business lawyer is feared by bureaucrats and other lawyers in that sector.
4.) Make sure your business lawyer pays money to political candidates.
5.) Make sure your business lawyer is ruthless and likes to win.
6.) Make sure your business lawyer does not do business with your competition or travel in circles where lose lips could sink ships.
7.) Make sure your business lawyer does not over bill for services.
It is important to try to find a lawyer who is honest, but since they may not exist, try to at least find one who will be honest to you. Doing business with the devil is not noble, but necessary thanks to the rules and regulations trust upon the business community like Bandini Mountain (Bandini is a agricultural manure company). Consider all this in 2006, as Caesar was right.
Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/ |
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