When starting your own business it pays to jot down a business plan and that is not too hard considering that many of the business plans are already out there for the type of business which you will probably be starting. The best thing to do is copy down an outline and a business plan that was done by someone else which is similar to the business you will be starting.
Do not copy it word for word but understand the basis for the business plan and the items you need to address. When starting your new business it is important to contact a lawyer to make sure that you are legally protected and can distance your personal assets from anything that happens of the business.
When marketing your company it pays to have a marketing plan and in this marketing plan you should consider how to get the most bang for your buck and spend as little money is possible but get the most benefit.
When starting your own business you need to make sure that you have all the proper paperwork filed and figured out with the local city, county and state agencies. Generally you can get a copy of all these things from your local Chamber of Commerce or the small business administration, which you can find a phone number in your phonebook.
Starting your own business is not difficult and neither is writing a good business plan; but making money is and the more prepared you are in advance the better your chances are. Please consider this in 2006.
Lance Winslow
1 comment:
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