Sunday, January 18, 2009

Top 7 Or Top Ten Articles

Writen by Lance Winslow

Why do humans love to read top 7 or top 10 articles so much? Have you ever wondered? It is a known fact that very few article titles are as effective as Top 7 or Top 10 ways to do something or steps to achieve something. Titles like; "Top 7 Things to Make You Successful," "Top 10 Halloween Costumers for 2005," and "Top 7 Ways to Get the Girl You Want!" It is truly amazing how well these work, people like these titles and they really like to read articles with bullet points and lists. It is easy reading, it cuts to the chase and they feel they can learn something very fast without all the fat and fluff.

You see the new paradigm of the stressed out consumer and citizen in our society is too busy with 2.2 kids, white picket fence, college degree, credit card debt, mini-van and getting the kids to soccer practice to read anything too complex. They want the information fast with no BS. Even the Televisions and News Networks give information this way now have you noticed; seven-minute segments and snippets at a time, then commercial and then NEXT. Just the way the Internet clicking, BMW driving, traffic induced, caffeine driven crowd wants it. Give it to me now, give to me fast, thank you very much got to go; places to go, people to see, emails to return; you understand. Think on it.

Lance Winslow

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