Thursday, February 12, 2009

Top 7 Reasons For Fighting Phishing Scams

Writen by Daviyd Peterson

If you haven't heard of phishing scams yet then Google it quickly before your bank account is emptied or you can watch last weeks episode of 'Numb3rs' and watch the angry face of an FBI agent once he realizes that his account has been the victim of war-driving. Still don't feel you should get off the couch and fight back then do a search on 'spear phishing' and get an eye full of what hackers are prepared to do to businesses and soon enough consumers. With that in mind let's approach the top 7 reasons below...

1. Your credit really can't take any damage from a hacker.

2. If your credit is good enough to take severe damage from a hacker then contact me immediately before a hacker targets my account.

3. How many banks and other companies have lost personal information to this date, how many more times are we going to wait for the headlines to report yet another bank.

4. In some states phishing scams against companies don't have to be reported.

5. The hackers have evolved and created spear phishing, the attack is targeted using a companies own email addresses and they are going after specific vulnerabilities within each company.

6. With spyware, spam, adware, phishing attacks and all the other ways hackers are trying to get into your computer's hard drive - watching tv programs instead of doing something proactive from the home out to the Internet against hackers is the only real working solution.

7. A city had four walls to protect itself in frontier days, these are the days of the electronic frontier with business, law enforcement, and city leaders as three of the walls. Are consumers expected to continue to lay down on the job while hackers have their way?

Daviyd Peterson: 10-year consultant, instructor, trainer of digital divide solutions for both home and business. Helps African American and minority Small Business Enterprises bridge the digital divide by becoming wireless Small Office Digital Offices (SODO).

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