Even if you don't have your own firm or if you are not a partner, you can be a leader of your team or even yourself. All lawyers need a vision, mission, goals and business plan/marketing plan to be successful. If you are part of a larger organization your plan must feed into the firm plan. Practice being a leader of a small group and your leadership skills will grow. Not a lawyer? These statements are applicable to anyone in the business world.
1. The leader has a strong vision for the law firm and knows how s(he) sees it growing. S(he) shares that vision with administrative staff and all others in the firm.
2. The leader has a simple mission statement that is read each week as the lawyer plans the week. Making business choices that are in line with the mission is a key to success.
3. The leader writes a business plan including a marketing plan every year and manages to it during the year. Everyone in the firm understands the plan and how his or her work impacts the plan.
4. Team work is encouraged by the leader and the firm's culture is cooperative rather than adversarial and competitive.
5. The leader has big goals that everyone understands and is committed to more than just a perfunctory commitment everyone is excited about the possibilities.
6. The leader interacts with all the employees and understands how the work flows through the office. S(he) is on top of bottlenecks that slow the work flow. S(he) helps to resolve the bottlenecks by appointing a team to investigate it or adds the necessary resource.
7. The leader checks frequently to see if s(he) is on track with the business plan. When the firm is not on track, the plan is adjusted to get back on track.
8. The leader gives frequent feedback to employees regarding their progress toward their goals. S(he) keeps the firm updated as to progress on the business plan.
9. The staff is recognized by the leader for the high quality work they do and the staff is acknowledged for the integral part each person has in the success of the firm.
10. The leader is grooming others in the firm to be leaders not just managers.
About Alvah Parker
Alvah Parker is a Law Practice Advisor and Career Coach as well as publisher of Parker's Points, an email tip list and Road to Success, an ezine. To subscribe send an email to join-roadtosuccess@go.netatlantic.com.
Parker's Value Program© enables clients to find a way to work that is more fulfilling and profitable. She is both a Practice Advisor and Coach to attorneys, managers, business owners, sole practioners, and people in transition. Alvah is found on the web at http://www.asparker.com She may also be reached at 781-598-0388
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