Monday, August 4, 2008

Top 7 Tips For Business Newsletters

Writen by Lance Winslow

If you are sending out corporate communication to your employees, vendors and team members there are some things that you need to know. One is that you must send them out on a regular basis and a consistent basis.

Another thing you need to be careful not to do is promote yourself over the other people in your organization. You should include as many names of people on your team as possible in each business newsletter without going overboard. You should take your newsletter and also post it all on the corporate communications page of your web site for your employees, vendors and team members.

Your business newsletters should have pictures as well as logos and graphics. If your newsletter is just straight type and paragraph no one will bother to read it and you have wasted everyone's time. It is important in a business newsletter to not be too critical of people on your team or have too many negative things to say.

You do not want to sound too much like a cheerleader, but at the same time you do not want to use the newsletter to publicly chastise people who have made mistakes. There is no reason to burn bridges in your organization or cause internal conflict due to a business newsletter. I sincerely hope you will consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

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