Monday, December 29, 2008

Top 7 Business Reasons To Quit College And Start Your Own Business

Writen by Lance Winslow

When recently asked to a speech by a rather well-known business college professor and asked to give my reasons why an entrepreneur should stay in college and go on to get an MBA. It seemed like a nice request but then the flashes kept coming into my mind of all the entrepreneurs who left college or even top Universities.

You know names like Bill Gates, Michael Dell and many who never went to college like Ray Kroc who started the world’s largest hamburger chain; yes McDonalds, so I guess you know the story and have probably heard of Tom Monahan too then, the founder of Dominoes Pizza. In fact if those were not the top 4 reasons to quit college or the University MBA program, I could not think of what would be.

Then I considered Fred Smith Founder of Fed Ex who actually got a “C” on his business plan for Fed Ex, by the way you need to read his book; “The World On Time” great story indeed. Well, now I had five reasons and then I went in to brush my teeth and remembered I quit college and built the largest mobile car wash company on the Planet; self-made entrepreneur. ( is my company).

Then, I considered what the professor had asked me to say in the speech and realized he had never started a company or run a successful business, yet he was a business professor; interesting I thought and well that makes the top 7 reasons why you should quit college and start your own business. Thank you for your time and vote for Lance.

Lance Winslow

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