Do's and don'ts of the office party.
It's the infamous occasion during an employees career which dictates how much of a success you will be. It can result in your career flourishing, blossoming and making your working into an enjoyable experience or it can label you as the office clown who gets drunk at any opportunity and makes a complete fool of himself. This in turn does not do your reputation with senior management any good at all. I am of course referring to the office party. An event that can be both intimidating and nerve wrecking for those who are under prepared for what potentially could have a severe impact on your future.
If you are one of the people who likes to make a good first impression and keep hold of their job for a prolonged period of time then help is at hand. I have prepared a set of do's and don'ts for you to guide you on your way and hopefully avoid you making a scene in front of all your co-workers. Follow these instructions and you can't go far wrong.
Do remember that the office party is still a business event. Although it is used to raise the morale of workers and to reward employees for their hard work you must still conduct yourself in a professional manner and with a sense of decorum. Do take into account that you are being observed in a social capacity by your senior managers because chances are they are watching your every move!
Don't pass up the opportunity to go to an office party. By not attending you are passing up a chance to enhance your reputation. And once you have arrived do stay for at least 30mins, don't make it seem as though you are really uncomfortable being there. However don't party till the early hours of the morning.
Don't use the office party as an excuse to blow off steam. It may be an out of hour's functions but you may well be meeting clients and other company contacts. Meeting important business contacts once you have had too much to drink will not help you to piece together coherent speech.
Leading on from the previous point don't take advantage of the open bar. Believe it or not your senior managers have spared the expense of an open bar so that employees can relax and have a few drinks not so that you can prop up the drinks table and end up comatose in the corner.
Don't bring any sort of gag gifts for your boss that you might usually bring to a private party outside of work to thank them for hosting the event. Your boss is likely to have a different sense of humour to yours so if you think a gift is hilariously funny and would be perfect for him/her then chances are you are gravely mistaken. Your boss won't think you're clever or witty so think of other ways to impress him/her.
Do make sure to thank the person or persons who have taken the time to organise the event. It shows you have a sense of gratitude and appreciate the effort they have put in. Not to do so will hurt your reputation among managers and employees alike.
Don't drag out your nightclub attire from your wardrobe. Do make sure you confirm the dress code with your manager and other co-workers. The last thing you want to do is turn up to a smart and formal event dressed in anything too flashy or revealing.
Don't use the dance floor as an opportunity to showcase your latest dance moves you learned in a nightclub over the weekend. There are no talent scouts watching so the only people you are performing for are your colleagues who are likely to have a differing opinion on your "red hot" moves.
Don't spend all night talking about work. You will forever be labelled as the office bore, which is a hard reputation to shake off.
Don't even consider getting too friendly with any relations of the senior managers who work at your company. This is one of the key office party faux pas and can have a devastating effect on your career. Providing your boss lets you keep your job they will only do so to make your life a living hell.
Do keep conversation upbeat and positive. Don't spend all night complaining and whinging about work related or personal problems. If possible avoid controversial topics of conversation such as religion or politics and definitely stay away from telling inappropriate jokes.
Don't monopolise the conversation. Allow others to talk and listen to what they have to say. It is surprising how much more people will respect you if you give them your undivided attention. However if you disagree with something someone has said then don't argue with them passionately about it.
Do keep one hand free at all times. You will at regular intervals have to offer a handshake to other employees and particularly business contacts from outside work. To help with this hold your drink in your left hand so you are not offering a cold, wet handshake to people you meet.
Do not under any circumstances get drunk and start flirting with other employees. A reputation as someone who cannot keep their hands to there selves is one you do not want and cannot be shaken off. In fact it is the kind of reputation that will follow you and haunt your career.
Do mingle with other people at the party. This is a good opportunity for networking and building contacts.
Do make sure to read invitations carefully. Spouses or significant others are not always on the guest list for an office function. However if the invite says a guest is permitted then make sure you do not bring an inappropriate guest.
Do inquire about the office policy on providing taxi's for the journey home. If that is not the case then do book a taxi home. Don't drink and drive.
Don't pig out on the food buffet. The key is to moderate what you eat and drink. Choose foods high in starch and protein that will help slow the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream.
And finally do remember to enjoy yourself. It's an office functions yes, but make sure to at least look as though you are enjoying the event.
If you can follow these guidelines closely then you are well on your way to avoiding office embarrassment and are building yourself a good reputation with co-workers and clients. For the chance to attend a Christmas Party in London with a difference then check out the "One Night in Havana" extravaganza at the Vinopolis.
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