Monday, May 26, 2008

Top 7 Tips For Having A Work At Home Business

Writen by Haze Spehar

I am about to give you the top 7 tips for working at home. I am about to blow your mind with how easy this all is. I am still wondering why I never looked into this before!

#1: Get a good computer! I had an old computer, and it was miserably slow. I can remember waiting sometimes up to 5 mintues for a page to load, it was ridiculous! When you are working from home on your computer, you need speed. I don't mean that you have to go out and buy the most expensive computer on the market, but you do need a good one. You don't want an hour's worth of work to last 5 hours!

#2: Get a comfortable and supportive chair. A lot of people think any chair is good, but I can tell you from experience - you need a chair that will give your back the support it needs, or you will wind up with one heck of a headache, or backache!

#3: Get GOOD antispyware. There are lots of free spyware programs on the net, look into them and pick one. When you are working from home, you are going to visit a lot of new sites. Even reputable sites sometimes have things in them that you just don't want clogging up your computer. AND, if you happen to open one wrong email, could lose everything, and have to start from scratch!

#4: I would advise using Outlook or Outlook express to handle your emails. Why? I have learned this the hard way--it saves you a LOT of time! I use Outlook Express, and you can tell it exactly what you want it to do with your messages, before you even see them. It can sort out your mail for you, so if you're in a hurry and need to check your mail real quick, you can peek into one folder and see all of your important mail, and leave the rest for when you have time. you can also use the tools to auto-respond to certain emails, which saves you even more time - time to make more money!

#5: Get an ergonomical keyboard. You are going to do a lot of typing, and it is MUCh easier on your wrists, arms and neck!

#6: Join forums! Why? When you post to forums, you not only make yourself more known to the world, and you learn a few important things form others, too!

#7: Learn to do one thing WELL, and then move on to the next thing. When I started, I thought "if I can do all of these, I will get more money sooner!". You know what happened? I crashed. A few times. I was never one to do one thing at a time, but when you are working at home, you HAVE to. Or you will just end up where you started, but this time you will do one thing at a time. (believe me, I've done it, and I know tons of people who did the same thing).

I know, I said top 7 tips, but I have one more, the most important one of them all. You have to HAVE FUN! You have to like what you are doing. Find something you love to do, that is your niche. The more you like doing it, the more you will do, thus the more $ you will make!

Haze Spehar is a stay at home mom of two wonderful boys, and is fully enjoying working from home. To find out more, visit

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