Monday, May 19, 2008

Top 7 Tips To Beating The Bureaucracy In Business

Writen by Lance Winslow

If you own a business then surely you realize that there are so many ridiculous rules and regulations to business that it is difficult to turn a profit. These issues have caused more business failures in the United States than any other reason. Some say the number one reason of business failure is under-capitalization.

True, but the reason businesses are under-capitalized is that they under-estimate all the costs associated with all the bizarre and often laughable (cry-able) regulations. The government is the number one cause of business failure in the United States and there are hundreds of thousands of case studies, so that point cannot be debated in any forum poised at telling the truth. Here are some top tips in beating the bureaucracy game in business.

1.) Know all the rules in advance before you start.

2.) Know the all the costs in complying with all the rules in advance.

3.) Know, which rules are never enforced unless your competitor turns you in.

4.) Know how vindictive and dirty your competitors are and how often they file false complaints with government agencies.

5.) Know, which politicians are on the take and which of your competitors give them money.

6.) Know the laws yourself and do not solely rely on professional parasites or lawyiars who may have hijacked the law and secretly make these laws unavailable to business owners to hold them out for ransom fees.

7.) Know how to stroke government bureaucrats and tell them they are great and above all respect their fiefdoms as that is all they have in the whole wide world.

Those are the top 7 ways to protect your business from the blob of bureaucracy. You must make business decisions based on profits and customers not on bureaucracy, but you must know what you are up against so ditch the MBA know-it-all attitude for bit and go study up on the blob and all the laws of unintended consequences it creates. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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