Friday, May 16, 2008

Top 10 Ways To Turn Clients Into Raving Fans

Writen by Sandra Schrift

Do you find great joy in being a coach? If so, you will find that your enthusiasm is contagious and will attract clients. Be sure to develop a superb and supportive community. Enlist them in building a practice and in supporting you as you go down the coaching road. Embrace change. It is your constant companion as you build your coaching business.

1. Be someone that they really enjoy as a person and as a vendor.

2. Call your Client each quarter to ask if they're having any problems or challenges with their organization.

3. Continually improve your product or service.

4. Keep your client informed about future changes and upgrades about the product/service they bought.

5. Keep your client informed about what the media and other clients are saying about your service/product.

6. Educate your client on making the most of your product/service.

7. Do the unexpected, again and again.

8. Create a "special client-only" club or group that gets extra things e.g. autographed books, audio tapes, and special invitations - anything worthwhile.

9. Be 6-24 months ahead of the competition - and stay there.

10. Use high tech, low tech, no tech to keep your name in front of your clients. After all, they are the ones who will bring you the business.


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About The Author

Sandra Schrift 13 year speaker bureau owner and now career coach to emerging and veteran public speakers who want to "grow" a profitable speaking business. I also work with business professionals and organizations who want to master their presentations.


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